Men's Retreat
Labrynthia, Ibiza 🇪🇸
APRIL 2025
Thu 17 - Mon 21
5 Days (Over easter)
“Twelve years ago I
survived a fatal accident
and woke up in a coma,
relearned to walk, to
shower by myself, to
cross the street and
realized that the tools
I have been learning,
developing and using in
more than 22 years of a
career in film, are the
same ones with which I
am redesigning my life,
changing my destiny and
creating my future”.
Rodrigo Bellott
Retreat / Workshop / Transformative Experience
with Rodrigo Bellott
The nervous system is responsible for everything
since we are born. Our life experience is created by
our own narratives.
We receive inputs that our brain codes as:
Perceptions (attention / focus)
Emotions (feelings)
Thoughts (we shape our reality)
Behavior (actions that shape our personality)
Personality (System of Neurobiological Algorithms we learn at our developmental age)
In a time of change and uncertainty where fear can take over our lives, narrative engineering becomes a powerful neuroplastic tool that helps us rewrite our history and re-empower the hero of our film, for a better present and future.
What is it?...
This is a 6 day creative workshop/retreat which introduces tools to identify “your story” as false, allowing us to eradicate limiting beliefs and uncover part of a potential that we are unable to see on our own.
And how?
We learn new tools and live new experiences that give us access to thoughts, perceptions and narratives that can help us rewrite our present and give way to a more conscious future. This method puts at its center the importance, understanding and application of cycles of flow:
1. The resistance (emotion + ego)
2. Letting go (where and when)
3. The flow (ecstasy)
4. Recovery (integration and rest)